Data Integrity
Thena adapts to your data permissions and policies. You’re always in control.
We do not store conversation data
Thena doesn't store conversation data. All the conversations are accessed via Slack APIs using message IDs.
Permissions are honored
All Slack, and other software's permissions are honored. Our software doesn't by-pass parameters set in other tools.
OAUTH 2.0 API calls, only
Thena uses OAUTH 2.0 for authorization with Slack, Intercom, Hubspot and other integrations. With every connection, Thena will only request authorization using vendor-specific SSO APIs.
Reliable Systems
We know your business operations are mission-critical — your company operations are in good hands with Thena.
Thorough backups
Thena runs backups daily, encrypted in transit and at rest, with regular tests. Backups reside "off-site" from our offices, on Amazon S3 servers that store files on multiple devices.
Data centers
Thena hosts customer data in the United States, in AWS’s Northern California region.
Thena reviews and updates its Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and Business Continuity Plan (BCP) on an annual basis. Our team has developed a process to provide well-defined Recovery.
Application Security
Thena conforms to leading security standards & best practices, so you don’t need to worry about sloppy systems.
Encryption at REST
All stored data, session cookies, and backups are encrypted at rest. Database fields storing credentials are also encrypted for additional security. No humans can ever view your passwords.
Thena integrates with your SSO/MFA solution to provide a seamless login experience via SAML 2.0. User authentication can take place without the need to manage yet another
Encryption in Transit
All communication between customer systems and Thena takes place using high levels of encryption (TLS 1.2/HPPS) additional security. No humans can ever view your passwords.
Security Monitoring
We take our security measures seriously with an 'always on' mindset & take active steps to avoid risk.
Information security program
We have an information security program in place, communicated throughout our organization. Our information security program follows the criteria set forth by SOC 2.
Third-party audits
Thena undergoes independent third-party assessments to test security controls. Reports are available upon request, under NDA.another account/password combination.
Security awareness training
Thena team members go through regular security awareness trainings covering industry standard practices and information security topics.