“Thena’s ability to let us meet customers on Slack where they live while letting our Support Team feel at home working in Zendesk has been a game changer. We’ve seen resolution time cut in half and response time reduced by 95%!”
“Thena improves communication with customers by streamlining ticket submission through Slack. This ensures requests are directed to the right Cube representative and results in prompt responses.”
“Thena’s ability to let us meet customers on Slack where they live while letting our Support Team feel at home working in Zendesk has been a game changer. We’ve seen resolution time cut in half and response time reduced by 95%!”
“Thena’s ability to let us meet customers on Slack where they live while letting our Support Team feel at home working in Zendesk has been a game changer. We’ve seen resolution time cut in half and response time reduced by 95%!”
“Thena’s ability to let us meet customers on Slack where they live while letting our Support Team feel at home working in Zendesk has been a game changer. We’ve seen resolution time cut in half and response time reduced by 95%!”
Meet your customers where they already work.
Meet your customers where they already work.
Support and grow your customers in
MS Teams
Support and grow your customers in
Microsoft Teams