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Get notified and act on a customer question, an unreplied message, and more.
Get notified whenever a customer request has been detected in Slack.
Get notified when you fail to respond within your SLA. You can configure your working hours and holidays.
An alert is generated when a customer request is past the expected request resolution SLA.
Assign the alert to a teammate to ensure transparency and accountability across Slack.
Deflect requests to the relevant team by simply creating a ticket for the relevant stakeholder within Slack.
Identify relevant communication, and highlight action taken to reduce the clutter on the internal channels.
Identify service patterns on customers with high v/s low responsiveness, request turnaround times and more.
Evaluate how your customer communication has improved in responsiveness, and customer support.
Summarise key SLA breaches, their trend over time, and how they are impacting your customers on Slack.